Website URL
1 an tSráid Nua, Ballaghaderreen, County Roscommon, F45 EK13, Ireland
Describe the purpose and aim(s) of the organisation/voluntary group
The objectives of the company are to carry out the business of a community-led company catering for creative enterprises in the West of Ireland through the development of a Hub for the Creative Industries in the Region.
The proposal is to provide an educational and working campus with a focus on the creativity in the digital sector. The addition of an XR Studio to provide additional sustainability to the complex is included in the development.
Learners most commonly worked with:
Members of LGBTQI communities
Members of Traveller communities
Members of ROMA communities
Older learners
People experiencing rural isolation
People living in areas of high unemployment and deprivation
People who are unemployed
Refugees and/or people seeking international protection
Programmes/Courses Offered
Community engagement programmes (personal development programmes through creative, social or manual activities eg. flower arranging)
Level of courses you offer
Types of wraparound support provided
Information and guidance services
Approximate number of learners engaged with annually
0 - 50