Garrison Chapel Beggars Bush Barracks, Haddington Road, Dublin 4, Dublin, D04 E0C9, Ireland
Describe the purpose and aim(s) of the organisation/voluntary group

The Culture and Heritage Studies Local Training Initiative (QQI Level 5) is a collaborative project run by the National Print Museum and the City of Dublin ETB since 1996. Each year, the Course welcomes a maximum of 14 adult learners from different cultural, educational, and socio-economic backgrounds, who want to learn about Irish culture and heritage and who want to work in the culture, heritage and tourism sector. Our students study accredited modules in Communications, Customer Service, Work Experience, Archaeology, Folklore & Ethnology, Local History, Heritage, and Appreciation of Irish Culture. Our students also trained in tour guiding and Letterpress Printing. Our students go on to work as tour guides in cultural and heritage sites. We support students who wish to progress to higher education. In 2020, our Course won the Aontas Star Award in the ‘Support for Third-level Access and Engagement’ category and was shortlisted in 2021 in the Star Award ‘Learner Voice’ category.

Learners most commonly worked with:
Home carers
Lone parents
Members of LGBTQI communities
Older learners
People who are unemployed
People who left school early
People with mental health challenges
Refugees and/or people seeking international protection
Women returning to the workplace
Young Adults
Programmes/Courses Offered
Employment skills
Level of courses you offer
Accredited levels 4 - 5
Types of wraparound support provided
Resources (digital library, lending schemes, books)
Approximate number of learners engaged with annually
0 - 50