Website URL
57 Lower Camden Street, Dublin, Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland
Describe the purpose and aim(s) of the organisation/voluntary group
As a community we support people to exit homelessness, access and retain homes, and rebuild lives by delivering housing, health and wellbeing services.
Learners most commonly worked with:
Members of LGBTQI communities
Members of Traveller communities
Members of ROMA communities
Older learners
People and/or their families living with addiction/in recovery
People living in areas of high unemployment and deprivation
People who are unemployed
People who left school early
People with disabilities
People with experience of the prison system
People with literacy difficulties
People with mental health challenges
Young Adults
Programmes/Courses Offered
Health and wellbeing programmes
Level of courses you offer
Types of wraparound support provided
Food or meal provision services (e.g. foodbanks, meals on wheels, free lunch)
Information and guidance services
Mental health supports (e.g. counselling, or mental health awareness activities, support groups, resource, etc.)