Email Address
Website URL
FACT Social Club, Davitt Street, Foxford, Mayo, F26C5XF, Ireland
Describe the purpose and aim(s) of the organisation/voluntary group
The Biopsychosocial model of care is an approach that considers the biological, psychological, and social factors that affect a person’s health and well-being. This holistic approach recognizes that health and illness are not just determined by biological factors, but also by psychological and social factors.
Learners most commonly worked with:
Home carers
Members of LGBTQI communities
Members of Traveller communities
Older learners
People experiencing rural isolation
People living in border counties
People with disabilities
People with mental health challenges
Programmes/Courses Offered
Civic & democratic engagement (eg. voting rights & awareness, legal rights courses)
Community engagement programmes (personal development programmes through creative, social or manual activities eg. flower arranging)
Health and wellbeing programmes
Level of courses you offer
Types of wraparound support provided
Family support services
Food or meal provision services (e.g. foodbanks, meals on wheels, free lunch)
Information and guidance services
Mental health supports (e.g. counselling, or mental health awareness activities, support groups, resource, etc.)
Approximate number of learners engaged with annually
50 - 100