7, Sráid an Chaisleáin, Leitir Ceanainn, Donegal, F92 YP93, Ireland
Describe the purpose and aim(s) of the organisation/voluntary group

An Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn mar theanga laethúil don saol agus don phobal ina iomláine. Promoting Irish as a language of everyday life for the whole community.

Learners most commonly worked with:
People living in border counties
Additional Special Interest Groups (not listed)
Anyone from any group who wants to learn or improve their Irish.
Additional Programmes/Courses (not listed)
Irish classes, book clubs, drama club, young writer's club, pop-up Gaeltacht, Ciorcal Comhrá
Level of courses you offer
Types of wraparound support provided
Resources (digital library, lending schemes, books)
Additional Wraparound Support (not listed)
Opportunities to develop social network
Approximate number of learners engaged with annually
100 - 200