VTOS Building, LMETB Chapel St, Dundalk, Louth, A91 C7D8, Ireland
Describe the purpose and aim(s) of the organisation/voluntary group

LMETB Community Education Service supports new and existing community groups and organisations to establish community- based education programmes.
It operates across two counties: Louth and Meath

The Service prioritises individuals and groups who experience educational/social disadvantage or social exclusion. Programmes are offered on a part-time basis in non-formal, community-based settings and are intended to offer personal development and skills development for group members.

The group itself has an important role in deciding the subject area of any course. The type of course offered depends on the needs and abilities of the group LMETB Community Education Service can assist groups in assessing their needs and provide an LMETB tutor to deliver a programme with the group. Courses may be QQI accredited or non-accredited. Applications for tuition hours are invited two times annually.

Learners most commonly worked with:
Lone parents
Members of LGBTQI communities
Members of Traveller communities
Older learners
People experiencing rural isolation
People living in areas of high unemployment and deprivation
People living in border counties
People who are unemployed
People who left school early
People with disabilities
People with literacy difficulties
People with mental health challenges
Women returning to the workplace
Programmes/Courses Offered
Community engagement programmes (personal development programmes through creative, social or manual activities eg. flower arranging)
Computer skills
Health and wellbeing programmes
Level of courses you offer
Accredited levels 1 - 3
Approximate number of learners engaged with annually