Ennistymon Hub, Parliament Steet, Ennistymon, Clare, V95 NX86, Ireland
Describe the purpose and aim(s) of the organisation/voluntary group

North West Clare Family Resource Centre aims to support the growth of an inclusive community in North West Clare that values the rights and responsibilities of all. Our main objectives are to:
– Provide support, information and access to resources on issues affecting families to improve their well-being, including lead on the Meitheal process
with Tusla
– Provide opportunities for children, youth and adults to participate in society
– Provide support and space for community groups
– Provide a community childcare service
– Promote positive mental health & well-being in the community
– Support active learning through provision of education opportunities for children, young people & adults in the community
– Support and encourage people back to employment by providing lifelong learning opportunities and access to services

Learners most commonly worked with:
Members of Traveller communities
Older learners
People experiencing rural isolation
People who are unemployed
People who left school early
People with disabilities
People with literacy difficulties
People with mental health challenges
Refugees and/or people seeking international protection
Programmes/Courses Offered
Community engagement programmes (personal development programmes through creative, social or manual activities eg. flower arranging)
Level of courses you offer
Types of wraparound support provided
Drop in centre
Family support services
Food or meal provision services (e.g. foodbanks, meals on wheels, free lunch)
Information and guidance services
Mental health supports (e.g. counselling, or mental health awareness activities, support groups, resource, etc.)
Resources (digital library, lending schemes, books)
Approximate number of learners engaged with annually
50 - 100