Saint Joseph's Road, Carlow., Carlow, Carlow, R93 T4C6, Ireland
Describe the purpose and aim(s) of the organisation/voluntary group
St Catherine’s Community Services Centre is a registered charity (CHY12882) and community and voluntary agency based in Carlow Town. The Centre delivers a wide range of services to communities, groups and individuals on a local, countywide and regional basis that are responsive to identified needs. St. Catherine’s use community development principles to build capacity within disadvantaged communities thereby empowering communities to identify and meet the needs in their areas and contribute to the development of policies locally and nationally to support this process.
Learners most commonly worked with:
Home carers
Lone parents
Members of Traveller communities
Older learners
Women returning to the workplace
Young Adults
Level of courses you offer
Accredited levels 1 - 3
Accredited levels 4 - 5