Survey Form

Organisations: Add Listing

(Please note: If your organisation or voluntary group goes by more than one name, please choose the name you use publicly or in communications)
(Please be as specific as you can. Location refers to the main location of your centre, project, activity. An Eircode is required to accurately place your organisation on the map. You can use the Eircode Finder website to find and check an Eircode)
We are asking for this information as it will help community organisations and members to identify other projects and organisations that will be of interest to them in their locality.
We are asking for this information as it will help to show the level of community support provided in the area through community education programmes and will also to make people aware of the additional supports available in community education.

Can you please tell us your name and contact information in case we have any follow up questions in relation to this questionnaire (this is not for display on the map)?

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